Whatever the size of your garden, our award winning Garden Designer can help you visualise your perfect garden through garden plans, image boards and 3D Garden Drawings. If you have a new house build on an acre of land, building extension or a semi-detached garden in need of some inspiration then we can be of assistance to you.
The first thing a professional garden designer will do is meet you on site for a briefing, to find out what you would like in your new garden. It is helpful to the designer if you have a clear idea of your basic requirements and how much you can afford to spend.
The designer will then carry out a full survey and assessment of the site. This includes checking the drainage, measuring the different levels and distances between existing features, observing its idiosyncrasies, its setting and orientation, soil type, prevailing wind, the views from the site, any existing plants and garden features, and noting the type of building materials and techniques used in the existing buildings.
Armed with information from you and an accurate survey of the site, the designer can begin to create a plan, which at this stage is a draft or concept plan, clearly outlining the design proposals. A good design should seamlessly combine functionalism – that is, the practical uses to which the garden will be put – with aesthetics, to create a place of beauty and a garden full of wonderful plants to enjoy in all seasons. This draft plan is then discussed between you and the designer and any alterations or changes will be noted.
The next step for the designer is drawing up a very detailed proposal, including details of the proposed planting, hard landscape working drawings and work schedules as required. The preparation of such a finely tuned design, drawn to scale, can take a lot of time. Different design possibilities may have been mooted during discussions with the client, and may need further exploration at the design studio.